My Aventure to Go Carnivore

Whew!!! That was rough!! The first few days of starting the Carnivore diet are tough. My body was rebelling. Gotta drink lots of water!

I started out almost cold turkey by getting rid of sugar and carbs in my diet. I started this diet because I wanted to feel better because I suffered from osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and other minor ailments. I am not doing this to lose weight because as you can see I do not really need to.. 

I am currently 68 years old. THEN I stumbled on a video offered below of this 82-year-old lady who has been a carnivore for over 65 years! WHAT?? You gotta be kidding me!! She does not look her age!! She looks more like the late 50s or early 60s at the most!! She was sharp, clear-eyed, full of youthful spunk and energy. I was blown away!! I watched the whole video, then did it again because I was so mesmerized in her. I then looked up the doctor who was the person presenting this and his channel on Youtube (I am a Youtube junky. I learn so many things there.) and started watching him interview and share other people who were on this diet so that I was sold. I started right away. 

The video below REALLY got my attention. 

What is in my fridge!


I will keep posting updates below. See ‘Updates

ALSO! Please visit my other blog “Lose Weight Eat More Fat Meat” for a ton more information! 

Below are a few channels on YouTube you can check out if this is something you think may help you. You will learn there are many people who have been healed of certain medical conditions and diseases when they went on this diet. Very compelling. 

You should see this lady’s results on her channel. 
WAIT!! SHE DID GO BACK TO CARNIVORE!! Watch and listen why. See my update below at week 7.

Thanks for stopping by,

Jim Jarrard



Three weeks in; I am slowly noticing more improvements in how I feel. Better sleep, & less pain. I am down to and holding at 165 pounds. ALSO, I recently purchased the Keto-Mojo Meter that was recommened by one doctor who is a promoter of the Carnivore diet. He says that our ketos should be 5 or less. Most people in the world over who eat the Western or American Diet have levels dangerouly in the cancer producing levels of 20 - 50 levels.
I just got my Keto-Mojo Meter and I took my first reading the night before just to get used to how it works and my reading was 0.8 WELL BELOW the danger level. I took it again this morning before breakfast and it was 0.6!

Week Five: Just an update on my “carnivore” diet results. I HAVE cheated a few times due to my extreme sugar addiction, BUT I am noticing better vision with clearer colors, and sharpness. My hearing is better. I am more alert and notice things that I would “normally” miss at a passing. Of course, I am losing body fat but my skin is sagging, a side effect but in time it should tighten up. STAY AWAY from VEGETABLE OILS and things that have it in them which are in almost ALL processed foods, dressings, mayonnaise, and other such. LOOK and READ all the ingredients of the products. Of course, the best thing is to just stick with the basic foods your ancestors ate with no kind of additives. Just meat, eggs, fish, and water is best IF you can get to that level.

Week 7: HEY, it is NOT EASY for those of us who are sugar addicts. Sugar is like a drug and it is like being a drug addict!! It is not easy! Trust me! You have to have WILL POWER and look at all the positive results for going carnivore. I have slipped many times and succumbed to grabbing some candy or some other sweet cakes I love so much. I have to keep fighting but I am slowly winning! I am slowly getting so that I am not craving sweets. It is taking me longer because I am such a sugar addict. I wish there was some sort of sugar addiction clinic like there is for drug addicts.

It has been several months now. Time for an update: I am feeling so much better even though I cheat a bit sometimes as I still battle the sugar addiction, but I am getting better at not wanting that stuff anymore. It is beginning to not taste as good anymore. I can tell if something has sugar in it besides Stevia or other "healthy" sugar alternatives. IF I have a craving for bread I make sure is it is TRUE sourdough which does not raise glucose. I have to limit that because even sourdough bread can block some nutrients from meats, eggs, and fish from getting into my body. So be careful with that.
Soon I will be sharing some of my favorite cheap recipes that can be made by those who have a bit of difficulty financially. Remember, EGGS, and red meat chicken, sardines are very good cheap sources of protein/food!! Dig in!! Enjoy your new life!! Thanks for stopping by. Cheers. 


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