Lose Fat! Eat More Fatty Meat!
WOULD you like to look this good at age 82??? This lady is 82 yet she looks like she is only in her late 50s or early 60s!! She has eaten only meat or what she says, "I eat what I shoot". You will see her in a video listed further down. She is married to a 63-year-old man now.
You eat salads, you exercise, you eat low-fat, you followed your doctor's orders, and you are STILL FAT!! You are still SICK!! You STILL have high blood sugar!! You have to take insulin shots all the time!! You are taking a medicine cabinet full of pills to “stay alive”. WHY?? Because you followed your doctor’s orders and followed the good old government recommendations for a diet. You are eating what animals with FOUR stomachs eat so they can wring ALL the nutrients from the plants they eat. You are eating things made with vegetable oils, which are worse for your health than sugar alone. THESE are things you need to change in your life IF you want to be slim and trim again and regain your health. You WILL HAVE to do some reading and more research on your own because you are not going to get ANY of this from your doctor or dietician. THEY are following a badly formulated diet plan that was only a THEORY that was NEVER TESTED, nor had ANY human tests done on it. THIS theory was picked up on by some government official in the FDA or wherever who then ran with it BEFORE checking to see if it was plausible or tested. IT was only tested since the early 80s when the “low-fat” diet became the craze and took off with all sorts of low-fat products that were heavily processed, and some having more sugar added to make them more palatable so folks would dig in without guilt and enjoy. WE can SEE NOW after this happened that our nation and other nations who foolishly adopted this plan, has become one of the most obese and unhealthy nations in the world. In 1963, only 3% of the population was obese & on insulin; NOW, it is approaching 70% or more. YES this will piss off your doctor. I hope so. Maybe they will take time to do some research on this. You should give them the book “Protein Power” offered here or look for it at a book store, thrift store, or online AFTER you read it.
To start with, let's get our children on the right track!! The younger the better so they will pick up good food habits. DO your children and grandchildren a favor for their health so they do not become diabetic and obese in later life!! DO NOT GIVE THEM CEREAL FOR BREAKFAST!! TAKE the time to cook eggs, bacon, or other favorite meats. They will be fueled for the morning and NOT FALL ASLEEP in class.
NOTICE!! There is a BIG difference between losing weight, and losing BODY FAT!! If you work out, as in lifting weights, follow a high protein diet mentioned below, and read the books recommended, you MAY, actually GAIN weight as you will be gaining MUSCLE MASS which weighs MORE than fat.

IF veggies taste bitter it is a reason. They are telling you not to eat them. Let the animals that eat them so the nutrients are broken down and then passed on to you in their meat.
WHEN you eat meat fats, your body will become more satisfied. You will “fill up” faster. You will actually eat less because when you eat these fat meats, eggs, butter, cheeses, PLAIN yogurt, etc., etc., you will feel satisfied sooner. Read on and learn something you are not being told or are being lied to about.
Folks, we know we are being lied to about eating low-fat diets, by the media and government so why not learn something that will help you or another loved one?? DID you know that the “low-fat” diet was only a THEORY that was NEVER tested on humans or animals to learn what the actual results or risks were?? THAT is true. Look this up.
I know this system works because when I was growing up, there were no “low-fat diets”. My mom cooked with lard and butter. NO fat was trimmed off the meats. THAT was the best part!!
When I weighed in for the military entrance physical, I barely made the weight limit at 128 pounds on a 6ft. frame. It was when I got into the military that I gained a lot of weight because of their low-fat high-calorie food. I changed my diet when I got married and was no longer eating at the chow hall. It was more of a diet as you see below.
I got into bodybuilding later on and was able to, of course, gain more muscle mass which does weigh more than fat. I lost the fat, and to this day remain in fairly good shape at age 68 in 2023. I have gained a bit more body fat because I am not as active as I once was. THAT is what ALSO happens when you happen to be a sugar addict like I am. I have to fight this every hour of the day and lose all the time. If you are not a sugar addict, you will have an even better chance of losing body fat.
IF you are not physically fit or a fitness freak, you WILL and SHOULD do SOMETHING to be more active!! You CAN NOT sit on the couch all the time!! You can walk, lift some light weights, do yoga, and such. You NEED to get your heart rate up. You start out slow!
Meats in particular are so expensive. Yes, that is true but there are cheaper meats. Eggs are not that expensive even if they are $5 a dozen. Ounce per ounce, eggs have some of the best and highest protein/fat & nutrition levels. Also, when you go carnivore, you will not be buying all the garbage in the middle of the store which is highly processed, usually does not have very much nutrition, and costs way more than it should. You will no longer be buying fruits and vegetables. You use that savings to buy more meats.
Sugar is a poison, or is like a drug!! It IS addictive!! IT is in everything, especially boxed, canned, & processed foods. It is in bacon, and sausages, which are processed foods too so you have to find bacon or pork belly if you like bacon, that has had no sugar added to it. Sugar is how you get that nice brown chrispy look and texture to it.
THIS is what it looks like in my fridge. These eggs will last maybe
two weeks.
Now read on..
Books that tout high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, like "Protein Power" are flying off the shelves or you may download a copy to your tablet or "Kindle".
"Human bodies are still biologically primed to eat meat, fish, fruit, and veggies, but not so well adapted to grains or processed foods such as bread or Twinkies - or dairy products. (The milk exclusion makes Audette's diet a little different from "The Zone" or Dr. Atkins' regimen.)
These diets defy the food pyramid endorsed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the American Heart Association - the one calling for more carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, and cereal, and fewer fats and oils.
Advocates for these diets note that while the government has been pushing a low-fat, high-carb diet, fat consumption has indeed gone down, but heart disease and obesity in the United States have gone up.
The theory behind these diets is that if you load up on animal proteins, you will feel fuller faster, so you'll end up eating less.
The problem with carbohydrates is that they cause the body to produce insulin. But insulin turns carbohydrates into sugar, and whatever sugar we don't use right away gets stored in the body as fat.
On the other hand, a lack of carbohydrates tricks the body into thinking it's starving, at which point it flicks on an internal switch that causes the body to burn its own fat. This is called ketosis.
Those who are against high-protein diets say this is harmful to our bodies. Advocates for these diets say it's harmless. As far as we know, no scientific studies have proven either side.”
NOW, watch this presentation of an 82-year-old lady from Canada who only eats meat. Just notice how much younger she looks than her age. She looks, speaks & acts more like she is in her early 60s or even in her late 50s
"What If You Ate Only Meat For 30 Days?"
Carnivore Diet Blood Work
Proponents of high-protein diets say this is because saturated fats are only a problem when combined with carbohydrates.
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